SutekhNamelessManeki Neko pitches being laid and floodlights going up
Drove past it this morning, much more extensive than I realised ! Seems to cover double what I remember as the old Bearwood course.
Couldn’t see if the floodlights were going up on an artificial pitch or a grass one, seemed very close to the road though.
They’ve built big earth banks along the perimeter so no chance of Bielsa sneaking a peek.
Didn’t see any buildings although could have missed them. Would have expected some quite significant constructions.
Aren’t some of the buildings at Forest School going to be used? Seem to vaguely recall news from a couple of years ago that the club was/is going to build a replacement dome at Forest School to house further artificial pitches. Or perhaps that was only going to happen when the current dome at the Maddy finally gets bulldozed for REP (though that project in itself seems to have sunk without trace).
They're building a new dome at Forest for the Academy and school, but nothing's been started on that yet. Don't believe any other school buildings will be used. Academy scholars are only at Forest in the morning.
Looks like there's a mix of new buildings and refurbishment of old at Bearwood. There's a nice lodge at the entrance that they've renovated and extended, and then beyond that to the left is a big block of new buildings. The pitch to the right of the entrance, that looks slightly lower than ground level, is the same size as the Mad Stad one and has under soil heating, to facilitate year-round training. That's the main first XI grass pitch, but looks like most pitches will have floodlights.