What innovation would improve the league in the future?

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What innovation would improve the league in the future?

by stealthpapes » 14 May 2014 13:23

From the Guardian.

Original article

http://www.theguardian.com/football/blo ... ons-future

Their shortlist

Only award penalties for fouls that deny goalscoring opportunities
Give the fourth official a TV screen to correct errors
An end to non-celebration goal celebrations
The Premier League to give more to grassroots football
Mic-up the referees and allow them to do post-match interviews
A managerial transfer window
Clamp down on wrestling in the penalty area at corners
Safe standing
Force newspapers to name a credible source for all transfer rumours
Players to be paid in public [I think this means full transparency of what's being paid rather than doing it outside the stadium at the end of every week]
Google glasses for referees so we can see what they see

Other than the penalty one which I think is people misunderstanding the rules and referees over-punishing fouls that do not deny clear goalscoring opportunities, and the third one which you can't end, I think most would have some effect but you'd be well into the realm of unforeseen consequences.

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Re: What innovation would improve the league in the future?

by Royalcop » 14 May 2014 14:23

The paid in public one did mean exactly being paid in the centre circle of the pitch with the amount being given to the player declared over the PA system. Players not wishing to undertake this are docked 50% of their wages. I would be very supportive of this.

Putting cameras on the ref is a good idea and the technology is available to do this - however looking and seeing are not the same thing so it may be misleading.

Safe standing - yes

Only award penalties for fouls that deny goalscoring opportunities - that's a minefield of interpretation

A managerial transfer window - disagree, it's business - clubs should be allowed to hire and fire at will

Mic-up the referees and allow them to do post-match interviews; possibly, may improve player behaviour if they know what they say is broadcast

Give the fourth official a TV screen to correct errors - how would this work in practice; what sort of error? I think you go full throttle for replay technology a la rugby or not at all.

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Re: What innovation would improve the league in the future?

by Pepe the Horseman » 14 May 2014 14:26

Deffo think mic-ing up the refs is a good idea. Will stop all the gobshites.

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Re: What innovation would improve the league in the future?

by Sanguine » 14 May 2014 14:31

Royalcop A managerial transfer window - disagree, it's business - clubs should be allowed to hire and fire at will

They can't with players.

2, 5 and 6 my favourites from that list. I particularly want to see referees both more accountable and more supported, and mics and post-match interviews would achieve that.

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Re: What innovation would improve the league in the future?

by stealthpapes » 14 May 2014 14:44

The paid in public one did mean exactly being paid in the centre circle of the pitch with the amount being given to the player declared over the PA system.


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Re: What innovation would improve the league in the future?

by Brum Royal » 14 May 2014 15:06

More money into grassroots/lower leagues is the key one there. Hopefully coupled as part of some sort of investment plan (academies, youth development) rather than to be just spaffed on players wages.

More interaction with the ref during and after the game would definitely be a good idea.

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Re: What innovation would improve the league in the future?

by Silver Fox » 14 May 2014 15:27

stealthpapes Force newspapers to name a credible source for all transfer rumours.

I assume the Guardian will be taking the lead on this?

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Re: What innovation would improve the league in the future?

by stealthpapes » 14 May 2014 15:33

Silver Fox
stealthpapes Force newspapers to name a credible source for all transfer rumours.

I assume the Guardian will be taking the lead on this?

I think they're one of the better ones for this tbh.

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Re: What innovation would improve the league in the future?

by From Despair To Where? » 14 May 2014 15:41

Mic referees up but also have an officials' press conference after the game.

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Re: What innovation would improve the league in the future?

by dizzynewheights » 14 May 2014 15:41

What possible benefit can be derived from making it public knowledge what footballers earn :?:

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Re: What innovation would improve the league in the future?

by Brum Royal » 14 May 2014 15:46

It would cull half of the posts on the team board which specul8 how much Pog earns

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Re: What innovation would improve the league in the future?

by No Fixed Abode » 14 May 2014 15:50

I still can't believe in this day and age they don't refer decisions to an official with tv access to review decisions.

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Re: What innovation would improve the league in the future?

by stealthpapes » 14 May 2014 15:55

Brum Royal It would cull half of the posts on the team board which specul8 how much Pog earns

this is not true

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Re: What innovation would improve the league in the future?

by Sanguine » 14 May 2014 15:56

No Fixed Abode I still can't believe in this day and age they don't refer decisions to an official with tv access to review decisions.

This. I've always found the argument about it 'holding up the game' a bit moot given how much time we spend watching players taking ages over throw-ins/arguing with the ref/rolling around with non-injuries.

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Re: What innovation would improve the league in the future?

by Brum Royal » 14 May 2014 16:00

Brum Royal It would cull half of the posts on the team board which specul8 how much Pog earns

this is not true

True, a grammatical error there, what I meant was:

It would cull all of the posts on the team board which specul8 how much Pog earns.
It would cull half of the posts on the team board, ie all of those which specul8 how much Pog earns.

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Re: What innovation would improve the league in the future?

by stealthpapes » 14 May 2014 16:02

No, the dopey fuckwits would still wade in with something.

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Re: What innovation would improve the league in the future?

by TBM » 14 May 2014 16:26

stealthpapes Only award penalties for fouls that deny goalscoring opportunities

Don't understand this one

Plus it will then open up a whole new debate on whether it was goal scoring or not....

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Re: What innovation would improve the league in the future?

by stealthpapes » 14 May 2014 16:27

Same debate different angle.

My gripe is that pretty much all fouls in the penalty area are seen as red cards whereas a) it's not limited to the penalty area and b) they're not

its not a mandatory red for giving away a penalty and that needs the refs to be slightly more lenient there.

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Re: What innovation would improve the league in the future?

by PieEater » 14 May 2014 16:33

I think allowing each side a post match TV referral to allow retrospective action to be taken on cheating players, but trebling the penalty.

That would add a disincentive over taking a dive for "contact" or any other contentious decision. Clearly there'd be no point in referring a shit lino call.

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Re: What innovation would improve the league in the future?

by Big Foot » 14 May 2014 16:36

An end to non-celebration goal celebrations

^ This x10000000

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